Sunday, January 31, 2010


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This is just some of the french brand IRO's spring collection that I am absolutely in love with! Check them out at (Special thanks to Framboise Fashion)

Friday, January 29, 2010

500 Days of Summer

If you haven't seen it yet you need to rent the movie 500 Days of Summer, if not for the movie itself but for the amazing soundtrack! I'm currently obsessed with Regina Spektors song Hero that appears in the movie :) Definitely one of the best movie soundtracks in awhile.

Read on...

Below is an article by newsweek that I think is SOO important! It is on the new generation of beauty fanatics of the younger age set.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Braided headband

[hand it over, the electric]

I have been stuck in a hair rut lately, wearing my hair just straight down every day for probably the past week. These braided headbands look so cute and they would be perfect for the rainy weather. I'll keep you posted as to the success of my attempt to copy it:) What are your current hair inspirations?

Saturday, January 23, 2010

My kind of glamour


Marie Antoinette

[photobucket, dripbook]

I just recently saw the Marie Antoinette movie with Kirsten Dunst and I LOVED it and have been intrigued with her crazy style ever since.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Derek Lam


Ever since Christmas my number of vintage accesories has been steadily growing. I love turquoise anything so when I found the belt above in a cute little consignment store for only fifteen dollars I had to buy it. The two rings are both vintage (the first is Navajo and the second is Peruvian) and they have become my standbys. (excuse the crappy quality of the photos, my camera has been acting up. urgh!)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Oh summer...

All this rainy, cold winter weather has made me anxious for the warm weather of summer. (I already am thinking about all the nautical sundresses and bathing suits I am going to buy.)

[photo from]

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I just created a polyvore account two days ago so come check me out... my username is tres_chic (or click the link below)


January 12 is finally here! I downloaded Vampire Weekend's new album onto my iPod the minute I woke up. For as excited as I was, I was a little bit disappointed to tell you the truth. There were about three songs that immediately caught my attention, but the others were nothing special. They tried to add a more techno feel to some of their new songs, but I personally love the old, softer Vampire Weekend. Thoughts?

Emma Watson

I just think she is absolutely gorgeous and seems like a genuinely good person unlike some of the other celebrities of today.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Hand it Over

Wendy at Hand it Over does a fabulous job putting outfits together. Here are some of my favorites...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Black Blazer

I desperately want a black blazer! They are so all purpose, can be dressed up or down, and add edgy flair to a super feminine outfit. I have a gray blazer but really, it's just not the same. (Check out for some cute black blazer outfits.)

white out
